
Nymphomania only refers to females, the same condition in males is called satyriasis. You compare those words, take a survey of people, I’d bet you’d find that the majority know the word nymphomania, but what about satyriasis? Is that because it’s basically a default position for men or acceptable, not thought of as a disorder! 

Why nymphominia is treated as disorder not Satyriasis? Is it because male’s are more superior to female’s ?

 I think there’s still very much a double standard. Acceptable behaviour (sexually speaking) for males is far more tolerant of promiscuity than it is for females. Promiscuous men are playboys, ladies men, studs etc. However, promiscuous women are whores, *beeps*, tramps etc. Anyone who thinks the double standard is gone needs to look again.

How much you suffer today, the more happy your tommorow!

Folks before falling asleep, have a positive thought no matter how much you suffered the whole day weare a big smile and den go to bed😊😊😊 good night

Every time my phone vibrates, i hope it’s you

It’s a human tendency whom you love the most you keep on thinking only about that one person far over there who don’t care anything about you. Nevertheless not bothering that person loves me or not, but my love for him is eternal! I believe in myself that if your love towards him/her is genuine than it will take time but one day he will realise. So never loose hope be confident and major thing first love yourself than only that stubborn person can love you.

Life at It’s best

        “Do well all that you do”

 This was the motto which was thought in my school way long back. This motto indulges with so many things and gives us a better worth vission on how to take up things and how to face them to create a new thought deep in your brains with much positivity. My aim to pen this blog is mainly to focus on those homo-sapiens who feel isolated, inferior,outcast,friendless.

Folks, remember every soul in this universe is gifted with unique flair. Only thing is you need to seek to that one flair which is hidden deep inner you. What so ever may be the situation nail it never loose your hope. Hope is such a strong feeling that will completely change your vission to other level. Common tell me what makes you feel isolated?      I will justify it’s you who make yourself isolated from others because you feel i am not that capable when i am in a group which will down your tempo and upset your mind with all negative thoughts. Folks, here where you need to change your mind and prevent it from upsetting you. 

When you feel as such mentioned above, the first thing all you can do is relax your mind and just assume who ever is arround you are idiots. And then you start up your conversation without caring what others might think. I will assure you will really feel great. To do this the formost thing is to love yourself! And always CARE FOR THOSE WHO CARE FOR YOU. Once you start loving yourself i bet you wont feel to be isolated from society. You will start loving to spend time with yourself. You feel your the most luckiest person. Trust me friends i have tried it and that’s why i am saying it with great confidence.

 I hope my blog might help atleast 1% of readers. As it’s my first blog waiting for your precious comments to improve. No matter what ever it might be please feel free to share your comments. 

Thank You☺